Monday, January 24, 2011

An invitation and an explanation: Why go to Ukraine?

I hope many of you will consider going to Ukraine, or supporting the team who is going this Summer!

There are many reasons to serve. For me personally, the Ukraine Kids mission trip has helped me to more fully understand Jesus’ call of living an “up, in, and out” life.

Up: going on a mission trip was a real act of faith for me because I was intimidated by raising the money. In the process of humbling myself to ask for support, I allowed God to reveal his faithfulness through the generosity of others. If He’s put it on your heart to go, trust Him that He’ll provide the funds.

In: going on the trip allowed me to develop stronger friendships within the NLCF community. There’s something about traveling together and working together that really bonds people, especially when you are working toward a common mission.

Out: of course, it really is about the children. How can playing with children really be making a difference in the world? Well, it makes a difference in their world. It brings hope and love to lives who have little. Whether you will be building a wall or pushing a child on a swing, you will learn what James 1:27 means about “pure and genuine religion”.  Answer the invitation of Jesus to go and care for orphans. 

That’s why I’m going back.